Cuhead WiFi Shield V2.0 for Arduino
The Cuhead WiFi Shield V2.0 for Arduino is the shield you need to get Wi-Fi connectivity to your Arduino-based project. Use it to control your mobile robot via the internet, host web pages and more. This shield is not for beginners. Shield-compatible Arduino microcontroller sold separately.
• Supports both infrastructure (BSS) and ad-hoc (IBSS) wireless networks
• 802.11b connectivity
• 16M bit serial flash for storing web pages and other data
• Uses SPI for host communication (max speed 25MHz)
A) Shield:
- Add-on shield built for Arduino Diecimila and Duemilanove
-Dimensions, shape, even color match exactly
-True plug-n-play solution
- All Arduino headers brought out for easy access
- Easy access reset button on-board
- On-board PCB antenna
B) Wi-Fi Module:
- 802.11b Wi-Fi certified
- 1Mbps and 2Mbps throughput speeds
- Ability to create secured and unsecured networks
- WEP (64-bit and 128-bit)
- Low power usage
- Sleep mode: 250µA
- Transmit: 230mA
- Receive: 85mA