6DOF 3-Axis Digital Compass - Super High Precision by GY-511
The LSM303DLHC is a digital 3 axis accelerometer and 3 axis magnetometer with I2C interface. It has full-scale acceleration range of ±2g to ±16g and full scale magnetic field range of ±1.3 to ±8.1 gauss. All the full scale ranges are user selectable.
Module has on board low drop voltage regulator which takes input supply in the range of 3.6V to 6V DC. Board has two mounting holes. All 9 pins of the module are arranged in single line. LSM303DLHCs I2C serial bus interface supports standard (100 KHz) and fast mode (400 kHz).
It is most suitable for tilt compensated compass, quadrotor and robotics application. For LSM303DLHC application interface example available based on LPC2148 ARM7 microcontroller. LSM303DLHC has application example based on LPC2148 ARM7 microcontroller.
* On board 3.3V Low Drop voltage regulator with input range of 3.6V to 6V.
* Logic supply voltage range of 1.8 to 3.3V. Logic supply pin is accessible through 9 pin header
* 2 x Mounting holes by M4
* 3 magnetic field axis and 3 acceleration axis
* Full scale range of ± 1.3 to ±8.1 gauss magnetic field
* ±2g/±4g/±8g/±16g user selectable full-scale acceleration ranges
* 16 bit data output
* I2C serial interface
* Power-down mode/ low-power mode
* 2 independent programmable interrupt generators for free-fall and motion detection
* Embedded temperature sensor
* 6DOF orientation detection
* Robotics
* Quadrotor
* Tilt compensated compass
* Position detection
* Motion-activated functions
* Pedometer
* Display orientation